Lemley Chapel
Serving Sedro-Woolley &
All of Skagit County Since 1935
1008 Third Street
Sedro-Woolley, WA
Chico Yzaguirre Memorial
Chico Yzaguirre Memorial

Chico Yzaguirre

Chico Yzaguirre

Thursday, April 24th, 2014

Chico Martin Yzaguirre, 26, a resident of Concrete, passed away unexpectedly on Thursday, April 24, 2014.

    He was born on August 22, 1987 in Mount Vernon, one of twin boys to Martin & Rene (LaBane) Yzaguirre.  He was raised and attended grade school in Mount Vernon until moving to Concrete where he attended grade school and high school. Chico was involved in the wrestling program in Concrete throughout grade & high school.

    Chico worked for G-Brothers in Burlington where he would install office furnishings and partitions.  He also was an avid fisherman, spending countless hours on the Skagit River.

    Chico is survived by his mother and step-father, Rene & Donnie Coggins of Birdsview; his fiancee, Katina Reynolds and their son, Alexander Yzaguirre of Concrete; his twin brother, Skyler Yzaguirre and brother, Damon Yzaguirre and numerous aunts, uncles and cousins.

    A potluck Celebration of Life gathering will be held on Saturday, May 3, 2014 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Sedro-Woolley Eagles


  • K. T.

    Sometime around the third grade, you lived in Burlington for a little while, just a few blocks from my house. You, your brother, and I would sometimes hang out together. We weren’t best, best friends, but I remember those times fondly. Just today I was thinking back to it, and I thought to look you up, only to find that you passed. It looks like you’ve lived a rich life surrounded by people who love and adore you. We should all be so lucky to depart having such an abundance of love. Rest in peace, Chico.

  • Lisa

    I’ll always cherish your caring big heart with the tough exterior, you’ve touched all of our hearts with it. Your son is carrying on that part of you!
    May you be at peace
    Love always,
    Lisa Cress

  • crystal wegers

    I love ya cheeks….youll always be in my heart. Think about you and our years of memories everyday. I know your smiling down on me, sky and everyone else you cared about wanting to yell “go drink a beer!” Watch over your brother and son and the rest of your family and tell nichole hi for me. See you again someday bud.

  • Dick Saunders

    I was pleased to have lived next door to Chico in Mount Vernon when he was growing up with his
    brothers and family. The boy’s were so much fun to watch and visit with. You will be missed so
    much by all. Thanks for being a friend .

  • Kari Vance

    My dearest Chico, you forever left memories I’ll treasure my lifetime. You boys are loved as my own and I am proud to call you family. From the little boys who would hang out day and night or till forced home and show back up at O’ dark stupid to picking you and Matty up at Anacortes PD to me punishing you for tipping that porta potty because you were bored, coming over just to play with Alena and Meliah, protecting my kids and myself, all the way to the loving father you became. Through your troubles and smiles, laughter and loud mouth. I was so proud of you, I love you, I’ll miss you till we meet up again. R.I.P sweet Chico

  • angel & jason

    You are always in our hearts and apart of our family we love you, miss you and will always cherish our memories of you …. never forgotten old friend ♥

  • Esmeralda Yzaguirre

    I wanna say i will miss seeing you around and your suprise hugs everytime u would see us. Love you and will forever miss u till we meet again. I have held alot of love for you and skyler even tho i didnt see u guys alot i always carry u guys in my mind and heart ever since i new u guys where my cousins now i feel an emptyness in my heart that will be filled the day i see u once again. R.i.p Chico

  • Shantel Rogalla

    Chico, there are no words to explain how much of an impact you have had on lives all around Skagit. you were born a true person with high morals and respect. a soul that many wish they had. i will never forget you! Every time i go fishing you will be with me. i love you brother!!! <3 Rest in paradise sending all my love

  • bill mears

    brother, you will go down in the history books as one of my closest upriver friends, and all around badasses.

    I’ll miss your visits to my house when you couldn’t wait to show me one of your wrestling moves. You always lit up the room with your huge smile.

    Chico, my brother, my heart hurts, but the memories you leave behind will remind me always of the greatest son, brother, father, friend and defender of all…..

    p.s. stay out of trouble when grappling with the angels…. won’t be long before you move up the ranks and become Trainer of the Heavens Angels…….

    Love you man……

  • Shantel Williams

    Chico i will miss you, you have touched so many lives. not a day will go by that i wont look up and smile thiking of you. Rest in Paradise brother <3 much love

  • Alisha LaBane

    As kids we were always together. Most of the time we (Chico, Skyler, Damon, Tristan and I) would spend our time wrestling and running around with the horses. As we became adults we still kept in touch but not as often but still were close family. I love you and will miss you so much. You will forever be in our hearts. Say hi to the rest of the family that we miss that you are now with once again.
    Love you Chico

  • Aryn LaBane

    Chico was an amazing cousin for me. I will greatly miss you. You will be in our hearts forever. You were taken so quickly from us and its hard to believe you gone. But i know you will be safe now. Until we meet again R.I.P Chico I love you.

  • Alisha LaBane

    As kids we spent a lot of time together. We were always having all kinds of fun. As adualts we spent less time but still felt close. I will always love you. I miss you. You will always be with me in thoughts. Love you Chico

  • andrew

    Chico ull be missed and loved and we ll keep u in are hearts. And u were a great friend and I’m glad I got to know u and came good friends. We love ya bro and miss u man R.I.P bro

  • Dana Smith

    RIP Chico, I will miss you and all the good times we shared. Love you buddy xoxo

  • Kelie Evans

    I miss you so much, Ill always love you, forever and ever, rest in peace by beautiful friend, and so much more! ill never forget all the time spent with you!

  • angel hoey

    I know that we were not as close a family as we should have been. As we grow up we move away and start our own families and it sometimes is hard to get together often. I know that for children it can sometimes be difficult. Chico, you once called me out on that. You asked me “Where were you all those years. I didn’t have an answer for you at that time. When we did get together, we were family and that is all that mattered. I will always remember you and think fondly of those times we were together.
    Rest in peace my nephew, chico

  • Trina LaBane

    Our lives have all been better,
    because you have been there;
    So now we leave your memory
    in God’s all-loving care.

  • Ryan Ellis

    Cheeks, your where a good friend to have always making someone laugh or passing them off lol I’m sad I can’t be there to pay my respects bit I know you will be there looking over and seeing how many of us will miss you forever. RIP bro

  • Amanda Johnson

    You were loved by many. you will be missed by all. I pray that you found your peace in the arms of the Lord. Such a kind heart and such a beautiful soul. Rest well my friend.

  • Judi Evans

    I will always remember the laughter you brought to our lives. You are loved and will always be missed. I hope you and Landon are up there makin people laugh…RIP

  • Garrett Richardson

    Miss you and love you Chico you where one of the best friends a person could have RIP bro are community misses you greatly

  • heather gillock

    Where to start, I’m not sure, but I can tell ya that im sure gonna miss the hell out of you… The memories we have together will remain in my heart forever. You have been in my life since fourth grade and i wouldn’t change that for the world. You will be greatly missed… I love ya Buddy!!!!!

  • Melissa McAdam

    I still can’t believe it! I am sorry you felt you had no other choice! I wish you knew while you were here how many people cared, I hope you have found answers & peace on the other side. God Bless You , & Your Mom, Donnie, Brothers & Your Fiancé & son! You were Loved

  • Corrine Merino (Brogdon)

    Chico I just heard of your passing and I am so sad. I know we have not seen each other since we were kids but I always liked u and your brother you guys were so funny. I am so sorry and my condolences to your family.

  • erica

    Chico….so many good yet goofy times. I’m in disbelief that you’re no longer here to torment us with your jokes….the gatherings will never be the same know that you’ve gone but the memories I have will last for a lifetime. You’ve left us too soon but no one will ever forget you♥ rest in paradise and watch over us all. Love ya buddy!!

  • Tara Gillock

    Words can’t describe how much you mean to my family and I we greatly miss you Chico.. My heart hurts.. You have given all of us wonderful memories that I will never forget..I’m thankful to have had you be a part of my life for the past 9 years its been a blessing.. Rest in peace.

  • Sophia bentz-yzaguirre

    My dear cousin, you were always like a brother to me, very over protective and picking on me always :) I will always remember all our funny and precious moments we’ve shared from when we were babies and all the years until now. Our memories last in my heart. You have your loving dad with you now and I know you will be watching over us all. Until I see you again, I love you chico always and forever. Your laugh, our laughs, and smile stays with me. Miss you. Love always, Sophia, Maximus and Gary

  • Tanya Garvin

    As a friend of your moms for 25+ years, I was shocked to here that you are gone…I watched you grow into a wonderful man, not unlike your father had been. You loved to fish and was always the life of the party, just as your father before you…way to young to end this journey called life but that is the choice you made. Can’t be changed now…I didn’t know you as well as I know your parents, but I am sure you are in heaven with your father…watching over your son and your loved ones..still the life of the party. Rest in peace, with much love, Tanya

  • Sarah Rea

    Chico, I have always loved you. I’ve known you since you were a little boy and watched you and your brothers grow up. I am truly heart broken that you have left this earth. You may be physically gone but you are here in spirit with all your loved ones and everyone you have touched in this life. You may have not been my biological cousin, but you have always been family to me. I’ve always wished the best for you and will carry you in my heart. Gone to soon….may you now rest in peace. I will see you again someday on the other side. I cherish the time I’ve had with you and grateful you were a part of my life. You were a great man. With love….always in my heart

  • crystal yzaguirre

    I can’t say I knew you personally but I can say your uncle spoke of you very highly and loved you very much, I have been reading post’s on fb the last few days and you have so many people that loved you very much. From pictures that I have seen you were a very full spirited young man and as a teen very full of life there as well. I guess what I’m trying to say is your life was cut way to short and you have so many people you left behind that love and miss you dearly, but no mind you will always be loved and never be forgotten you have had a beautiful impact on so many lives while you were here on gods green earth, and know you are in heaven in the beautiful kindom surrounded by so many angels and the lord himself. May you rest in peace and watch over your family. Much love and Peace to a wonderful nephew I never got to meet. Love,
    Crystal Yzaguirre

  • susan. Stevenson

    You will be forever missed but never forgotten you have left a hole in the friends and people that love you.

  • Iliana Denisse Romo

    You were one if my neatest friend in school in mount vernon you and Skylar may you rest in peace my friend and my God be with your family and Beautiful Son And Your fiance and till we meet again <\3

  • alisha stevens

    Chico will be greatly missed and not forgotten. He was a great person full of life and love and I will always be proud to call him family. I am deeply saddened I could not have had a chance to help him through whatever he was facing . Rip Chico

  • tatiana delgado

    Speechless………..I just can’t believe you have gone from this world the way you did,you were to young and happy n you sure were the center of attention to everyone at every get togethers or parties……I have known you and your family since I was 2and you n your brother were always with my brothers Juan n Franco…….I learned to love you as a big brother and grieve slit over your passing on…….But now I realize GOD called you for only one good reason…..he choose you to be one of his angels….to watch down on all your loved ones and to keep them safe…….tell Nicole I said HI n we miss her as well as we all miss you…….I hope that if or when u do see your DAD……catch up on things and keep an eye of safety on those or us you live…..I love and miss you so very much that I have no exsact words to explain my saddness or pain I fell everytime I think or am going to start thinking about you and all of our years of fun and memories we made…..RIP CHICO U WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN……

  • alisha stevens

    Chico and I were raised as cousins , my heart is saddened by his loss and the fact I could not have helped him through whatever he was going through. He was a great cousin and our play time as kids was fun as can be . I will greatly miss him .Chico u were to young to go . Rip cousin

  • Rene' Coggins

    I loved you from the first instant. No words can describe the pain I feel now. My heart is broken. I will miss your late night phone calls even though they bugged me at the time.
    Rest in Peace, Chico.