Loving husband, father and distinguished scientist, Duwayne Marlo Anderson, 75, died October 4, 2002, at his home in Hamilton, WA. Duwayne is the eldest son of Duwayne LeRoy and Fern Fagan Anderson, born in Lehi, Utah on September 9, 1927. Dr. Anderson is survived by his wife, June B. Anderson, and 3 children, Lynna Muller, Christopher Anderson and Lesleigh Anderson, from his first marriage to Shirley Nadine Ray, and 3 additional children from his subsequent marriage, Valerie Zielke, Susan Malesis and Nancy Budd. Brothers Frank, Loren, Russel and a sister, LaVerle. His dying wish was for the continued happiness and welfare of his wife June.
Dr. Anderson is widely recognized as one of the nation’s foremost arctic geologists. Beginning with studies of the composition and physical properties of frozen soils, Dr. Anderson directed studies of engineering and construction in arctic regions during his early career with CRR#L Cold Regions Research and engineering Laboratory Lymne, N.H.. He enjoyed collaboration with scientists from Sweden, Norway, the Soviet Union, Japan and many other countries.
On a narrower scale, he was loved, appreciated and will be deeply missed not because of professional accomplishments, but because he was a kind-hearted man who cared for others.
During his career he directed research across a broad spectrum of geoscience disciplines at many institutions. His interest in controversial and topical subjects focused on collecting the essential data to begin to answer questions such as: Is there life on Mars’ Are water and the essential elements necessary for the existence of life forms present beyond planet Earth’ Is global warming the result of natural dynamic temperature fluctuations, or as some suggest, the result of human industry’ His assistance with the Viking Lander’s measurements of soil chemistry on planet Mars, and his expertise in construction and engineering in cold regions were summarized in numerous publications and resulted in an appointment as Director of Polar programs with the National Science Foundation.
Building upon the concept that science is driven by technology, he pursued measurement using the latest technologies available beginning with Mass Spectrometry measurement of the physical chemistry of phase changes in frozen soils, and satellite imagery as a technique for evaluating surface geology. More recently, while Provost for Research at Texas A&M University, and professor of Geology, he generated necessary funding to develop sea floor scanning technologies resulting in state of the art techniques for mapping large sea floor surfaces with exquisite resolution. Such images not substantiate much of what is know regarding tectonic plate theory, the movements of continents, the formation of the earth’s surface, and climate change on a geologic time scale. During his tenure as Associate Provost for Research at Texas A&M University, annual research expenditures rose from $72 to 288 million dollars.
Dr. Anderson’s career is listed below:
B.S., Brigham Young University ‘ 1954. Ph.D. Purdue Research Found. Fellow, Purdue U;, 1958. Prof. Soil physics U. Airiz., Tucson, 1958-63; research Scientist, chief earth scis. Br. cold Regions Research and Engring. Lab., Hanover, H.H., 1963-76; chief scientist divsn. Polar programs NSF, Washington, 1976-1978; mem. Viking sci team NASA, 1969-76; dean faculty natural scis., and math. SUNY Buffalo, 1978-84; assoc. provost for rsch. And grad. Studies Tex. A&M Rsch. Found., 1984-93; Pegrum Lectr. SUNY, 1980 v.p. Assn. Tex. Grad. Schs., 1990-91, pres., 1991-2. Cons. NASA , 1964, NSF, 1979-81, U.S. Army cold Regions Resch. and Engring. Lab., Hanover N.H.; sr. U.S. rep., Antarctica, 1976, 77; bd. Dirs., exec. Com. Houston Area Rsch. Ctr., 1984-89; vis. Prof., lectr., cons. Numerous univs. Editor: with O.B. Andersland Geotechnical Engineering for Cold Regions, 1978; cons editor Soil Sci, 1965-, cold Regions Sci. and Tech., 1978-82; contrbr. numerous sci, and tech. Articles to prfl. Jours. Bd. Dirs. Ford K. Sayre Meml. Ski Con., Hanover, 1969-71; bd. Dirs. Grafton County Fish and Game Assn., 1965-76, pres., 1968-70; bd. Dirs. Hanover Conservation Coun., 1970-76, V.p.: 1970-73. Serviced in USAF, 1946-49 recipient Sc. Achievement award CRREL., 1968; co-recipient Newcomb Cleveland awards AAAS, 1976; Sec. Of Army Research fellow, 1966 Fellow Geol. Soc. Am., Am. Soc. Agronomy, Soil Soc. Am.; mem. AAAS. Internat. Glaciological Soc., Am. Plar. Soc. Am., Niagara Frontier Assn. R&D Dirs. pres. 1983-84, Licensing Execs. Soc., NASA Teams Viking, skylab and planetary Geology and Geophys. Working Group, comet Rendevous/Asteroid Flyby Mission Team, Arctic Resch. Consortium U.S., Sigma Xi, Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Phi Kappa Phi.
The family suggests memorials to North Puget Oncology Cancer Care Center, PO Box 1376, Mount Vernon, WA 98273-1376. Funeral services were held on Sunday, October 6, 2002 at 1:30 P.M. at Lemley Chapel in Sedro-Woolley, WA. Pastor David Hodgins of Irondale Evangelical Free Church in Port Hadlock, WA officiated. Interment followed at the Hamilton Cemetery. Share your thoughts and memories of Duwayne and sign the online guest register at www.lemleychapel.com
So today is the day that Aunt June will join you in heaven. I just want you both to have known what you meant to me. I will always wonder if you knew that the 2 of you embodied my chance to venture out of my small world? Somehow I think that you both did. Thank you for loving me, my family and my Aunt so much. I wish you could have known your name sake, Adria Marlo. She is amazing- you would have adored her!